BlackBlood's Den

2019.10.10 10:26


Balmung: Lily Hills Ward 11, Wing 2, Room 9.
Belonging to Tiberius Stormsong
"Please come and visit me... I don't bite, unless invited... "

Main Items: (the furniture search is broken)
Mounted bookshelf
Bear skin Rug
2x Glade Partitions
Oriental bath
Towel Hangar
Paper Partition
2x Potted Dragon Tree
Glade tea set
Masonwork Stove
2x Manor Candelabras
2x Potted Orange Trees
2x Riviera Armchairs
2x Glade Half Partitions
2x Royal Screens
Easel and Travel Paint Set
Glade chair, 2x sideboard, and 2x drawer tables
2x Glade floorlamps and 2x Glade lantern
8x Wooden Handrails
2x Wooden Lofts, 7x Beams, and 2x Steps
Tier 1, 2, and 3 Aquariums. (fish: Copperfin, Grass Shark, Dusk Herald)
6x Hanging Planter Shelf
2x Glade Doormats
lots of Stacks and Piles of tomes
Pine Bonsai
a bazillion wall lamps
(not pictured Mahogany bunk bed, dirty laundry, and oriental pipe box for bedroom.
Wood box shelf and 2x glade vases and 2x glade flowerpot)
All furnishings dyed chestnut brown.

Hope you like it!! : ]

