Beachfront cottage (small)

2019.09.26 17:49

Amelia Serene

Exodus (Primal) , Mist , Ward 16, House 20

This was a commission for a cozy beachfront cottage with a fall picnic exterior! I wanted to make a light-filled home, with lots of windows that would make a small space feel big. I drew a lot of inspiration from the other incredible designs on Housing Snap and the Fashion Decoration housing community.

Please feel free to visit the house in-game!


Exodus (Primal) , Mist , Ward 16, House 20

This was a commission for a cozy beachfront cottage with a fall picnic exterior! I wanted to make a light-filled home, with lots of windows that would make a small space feel big. I drew a lot of inspiration from the other incredible designs on Housing Snap and the housing community.

Please feel free to visit the house in-game!


Exodus (Primal) , Mist , Ward 16, House 20

This was a commission for a cozy beachfront cottage with a fall picnic-themed exterior! I wanted to make a light-filled home, with lots of windows that would make a small space feel big. I drew a lot of inspiration from the other incredible designs on Housing Snap and the housing community.

Please feel free to visit the house in-game!

