Equinox / cosy forest cottage

2023.09.26 19:21


A rare sighting of a two-floor build :') I wanted to challenge myself with the windows in this one to play around the daylight cycle while still keeping it the usual level of cosy. I find medium layouts a bit challenging to make interesting, especially when I have to make use of the stairs as it can eat up a lot of slots. Here it meant I had to forgo rugs and go with a slightly raised floor on both floors to make it work!


A rare sighting of a two-floor build :') I wanted to challenge myself with the windows in this one to play around the daylight cycle while still keeping it the usual level of cosy. I find medium layouts a bit challenging to make interesting, especially when I have to make use of the stairs as it can eat up a lot of slots. Here it meant I had to forgo rugs and go with a slightly raised floor on both floors to make it work!


I don't do gardens very often but I was quite happy with how this turned out :) There is a LOT going on with the Florist walls, and I have a love/hate relationship with the door (it's really cute in its elements but it's HUGE). It didn't hurt that LB41 has one of the best, if not the best views in the game haha.

