Rustic Jazz Club

2023.01.10 14:26

Luna Delcielo

A venue owner wanted something outdoorsy with a focus on the night sky and stars. They requested a bar, a few small tables, and a nice stage for Bards to perform. The ground floor is a forest with an open starry night sky above (with hidden entry to FC Workshop/Chambers). The basement houses the venue, complete with a night sky scenery behind the stage!


A venue owner wanted something outdoorsy with a focus on the night sky and stars. They requested a bar, a few small tables, and a nice stage for Bards to perform. The ground floor is a forest with an open starry night sky above (with hidden entry to FC Workshop/Chambers). The basement houses the venue, complete with a night sky scenery behind the stage!


A venue owner wanted something outdoorsy with a focus on the night sky and stars. They requested a bar, a few small tables, and a nice stage for Bards to perform. The ground floor is a forest with an open starry night sky above (with hidden entry to FC Workshop/Chambers). The basement houses the venue, complete with a night sky scenery behind the stage!

