Small room in the Brume

2021.10.23 17:40

Vash Snowdrift

Hello, my name is Vash Snowdrift, a designer for hire out of Mateus | Crystal Datacenter.

This is another short build I did inside an FC apartment in preparation for Ishgardian Housing. I haven't tried building like this yet so it was a fun experience over a few days, being limited to 100 is always challenging and I know what parts I would change or stuff I would add if I were to rebuild this in larger space.

I was surprised at how little slots I used up for the layout and roof, which allowed me to go a bit more crazy with some smaller spaces and add in a few more details, but ultimately I had to reach the cap at some point and that was just as I was designing a table for the bottom section...

All in all, I loved using the Cask racks to make walls along side the stone fireplaces and stone wallpapered walls, they really work well together-

