Kugane Suite

2023.02.28 04:24

Gelly Panda

------- February 2023 -------
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This is my first one-floor medium! I'm glad that I got to try this out with this theme, because I've always wanted to make a detailed Japanese styled garden. This is meant to be a Modern Japanese theme, so I also took the liberty to finally make the 3 elevated windows I've always wanted to do as well! I had a lot of fun playing with different things in this house. I got to focus a lot more on details and lighting, which was really nice. I didn't think using one floor of a medium would be too much of a difference. Since, I worked on one floor of a large already, but it felt very different because you pretty much have a rectangle to work with. Whereas, in larges you can make whatever shape you want. Which I think is a bit more restricted with mediums. I hope to work on more one floor mediums in the future! See if I can make a more unique layout. I am very proud of this one though, especially how the garden came out. Once I got the main rooms laid out and found out I'd have slots to work on the garden, I was so happy! I think that nature areas are my favorite. I will also probably be making a video of this one, since it's in Shirogane and restricts people from visiting.




